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Parenting Successfully in a Step Family

Receive Practical Tools to Equip Your Step Family to Succeed!


Discover essential keys to creating a united, supportive environment and  

helping children adjust to step family life 


Live happily ever after in your step/blended family!


Learn practical strategies that really work and solutions to overcome common challenges.


This two hour seminar is suitable for couples preparing to blend through to those who have been living together many years.  


Topics Include:

How stepfamily dynamics affect your family

Four crucial keys to your family's success

What your children need most of all

Positive parent and stepparent strategies including discipline 

How to build unity as a family

How to reduce conflict

How to bond with stepchildren


This seminar is suitable for you whether you're preparing to blend or have been together for many years, whether one of you has children from a prior relationship or both of you bring children to your blended family.


Here’s what past attendees said they gained:

"Conflict resolution strategies"

"More tools to enjoy our blending family"

"New ideas and fresh understanding"

"Leaning new strategies"

"It created honesty around previously unsaid feelings"

"I'm not alone!"


And this from a Christchurch attendee: 

“I have been thinking so much about last night’s seminar and even had to put it into practice this morning with an outburst from my young lady… you both really equipped me to feel confident with my approach.  So for this I thank you so much!!! It was having ideas and new tools that made this battle a successful one… there will be plenty more to come I know, but I don’t feel quite so powerless now :-)”


Don't miss this opportunity to hear from New Zealand's leading Step Family

presenter, author and relationship coach in your area ONE NIGHT ONLY this year

Blended Family seminar

Numbers are limited. You must register below to secure your place.


Venue:  To be confirmed


Tickets $39.95 per couple, or $24.95 per person

Payment accepted via credit card on the Paypal portal, one of the world's most secure payment providers.

Don't miss out!


Click here to get your Couple Ticket now:  

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Click here to receive your Individual Ticket now:

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Adele Cornish is an author, speaker, International Blended Family Coach and founder of the Blended Family Success 

Network - a resource, blog and support forum for those in a blended family. She has spent many years utilising her 

social work background to extensively research and address the unique challenges blended families face.


Adele has developed a programme that currently teaches practical skills and strategies to thousands of couples

worldwide, equipping them to overcome the common obstacles to blended family success. She has appeared several

times on television (TV1 Good Morning Show, TV3 Cafe and Choice TV) and radio speaking about step families, authored

books, written magazine feature articles and regularly runs seminars, workshops and professional development courses

on this topic.


Adele and her husband Mike have a blended family of five children. Mike has been instrumental in facilitating the

Divorce Care programme which teaches parents how to co-parent effectively with their ex-partner and help children

adjust after their parent's separation.  Get your seminar ticket now and let them help you on your journey!


Enter your name and email below to receive updates on events details in your area:


Adele Cornish BSW

© 2024 Adele Cornish. Blended Family Success NZ. All rights reserved.
Warning: The information in this website  is not intended as a substitute for a professional consultation.
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