Dear Friend and Fellow Blender
I know from personal experience how hard your blended family challenges can be.
Unfortunately, the odds are against step families achieving long-term success.
But there is hope…
You can have a positive, healthy and vibrant step family life no matter how tough it may seem at present.
The Blending Lives Program shows you how
The Blending Lives Program will provide you with essential skills and strategies to help you experience fulfillment and happiness in your family. It shows you how to make positive changes to transform your family life. It’s happened in my family and it can happen in yours too.
My program is based on many years of personal and professional experience and covers several aspects of blended family life. It is full of suggestions, tips, advice and good counsel to enable you to get your family on track and deal effectively with the tough issues you face.
Here’s what Barbara had to say about the difference she’s noticed in her blended family after starting the Blending Lives Program:
“Since I discovered Adele’s program online there has been a lot of peace and understanding in my life. Her program is amazing. It helps you decipher certain feelings within and what to not take personal when dealing with ex’s or step-children, and people from the past. Through Adele’s program and knowledge I learned to just be accountable for myself and to be a better more understanding role model for all six kids. Thank you for all your help in changing my way of thinking and for making me feel I’m not alone in the World of Blended Families. God Bless.” Barbara Rodriguez, Youngtown, Az
Each session of the Blending Lives Program is divided into a series of individual topics with a corresponding worksheet for you to complete. The advice, strategies and questions for reflection help you specifically identify how you will put the points into practice to change the way your family operates.
Get access to the Blending Lives Program now! You have two options to choose from
The first option is the Essential Blending Lives Program and the second option is the Comprehensive Blending Lives Program. Upon ordering the program of your choice it can be downloaded instantly to your computer for fast and easy access to the solutions you need.
Option 1: The Essential Blending Lives Program
The help you need to transform your family life is finally here. Using the Blending Lives Program you’ll discover how to:
Form a united approach to discipline and treat children equally
Resolve conflict peacefully
Bond with stepchildren
Stop feeling torn between your spouse and children
Stepparent successfully
Use tactics which separate the blended families who succeed, from those who don’t.
Plus you’ll learn:
The truth about emotions that destroy: Guilt, Jealousy and Resentment
Two crucial keys to a fantastic relationship (Session 1, Worksheet 4)
How to overcome four barriers to intimacy: Is your relationship suffering because of them? (Session 1, Worksheet 7)
The first thing you must do before you can develop a plan for discipline that you both agree on (Session 3, Worksheet 1)
One thing that destroys many stepfamilies: Find out what it is and why you shouldn’t do it (Session 3, Worksheet 5)
Here’s what you’ll receive:
Session 1 How to Have a Fantastic Relationship
You’ll receive advice, skills and strategies on how to have a fulfilling relationship. Yes, that’s right, a relationship where your needs are met!
Session 2 Resolve Conflict Peacefully
Your ability to resolve conflict directly affects the health and success of your relationship. This session covers essential skills and strategies you must use if you want to resolve conflict peacefully.
Session 3 Effective Discipline
Discipline teaches children about actions and consequences. It helps them learn to make good decisions for their lives. You’ll cover how to discipline, develop a plan you both agree on, cope with divided loyalties and much more.
Session 4 Secrets to Successful Parenting
Create harmonious relationships, banish resentment, stop feeling torn, treat children equally and bond with stepchildren.
The Blending Lives Program is full of suggestions, tips, advice and good counsel to enable you to get your family back on track and deal effectively with the tough issues you face.
“Thank you for these emails. I love them. We have only just begun your program but I already can see that it is going to help us amazingly!” Andrea Schaaf, Missouri.
Here are just some of the many skills you will learn when you sign up:
* How to get you thoughts and feelings across without nagging
* How to get everyone on board with house rules and expectations
* How to prioritize you life so everyone’s needs can be met
* How to talk through issues without becoming defensive
* How to create a respectful and supportive atmosphere
“It is very useful information to help in this transition with my girlfriend and her son. It’s been a little rocky to say the least, and the advice given helped us out immensely. I can sit down and not feel neglected, and actually talk about things with my girlfriend regarding her son’s words or actions. I can convey to her how I feel and she takes that to heart and really tries to make it work. Thank you for guidance!!” Benjamin Garcia, Jr.
Give your current relationship the best possible opportunity to succeed! Order the Essential Program now for just US$19.95
Plus you’ll receive a full money back Guarantee!
You can feel completely confident about your purchase. In the unlikely event you’re not 100% satisfied you will get a prompt, courteous refund. Just contact me any time within 60 days and I will rush you a full no hassles refund plus, you still get to keep the program!
Don’t remain stuck in a rut. Transform your family life now. I'll email the program directly to you after payment completion.
“I look after myself more than before and concentrate on good things. I have moved forward and no longer feel stuck as I felt before. It touches the very real issues in the blended family it provides a significant solutions. If parents are able to implement them the life in the blended family is likely to run quite smoothly.” M.G
Option 2: The Comprehensive Blending Lives Program
The ULTIMATE help! If you have specific questions relating to your blended family that you’d like some independent professional advice on, I’ll personally answer them for you.
Take a look at the Comprehensive Blended Family Success Program. Here’s what you’ll receive:
The Blending Lives Program (as outlined above)
“I love the course you have and are very pleased with the results. I have found this is something that people need as a resource and some extra support. Thanks!” DB
Plus: New Beginnings
A special eBook looking at the pain your blended family has evolved out of (death/divorce). It helps you identify unresolved
personal issues which can resurface and be destructive to your current relationships. Discover four issues you must address
plus how to help your children heal.
Plus: Ex-Partners & In-laws!
If you’re struggling and would like some help this eBook is just for you! Receive advice on how to cope when these significant
relationships turn sour as they have the potential to destroy a blended family. You’ll learn how to communicate with challenging
people and get strategies to protect your family. The strategies outlined will help you build the bridge of peace with the difficult
people in your life.
Plus: Step Family Life: Help your children survive and thrive
In this eBook, you’ll receive an overview of the commonly recommended skills and traits to encourage in your children/stepchildren. This is your chance to learn how to train them to make good decisions for their life and become responsible, respectful and independent adults. You’ll learn how to build your family into a supportive team plus much more. Here’s just an example of some of the things you’ll discover:
How to Help Children Identify and Express Feelings
Help your Child to Form Positive Relationships
Sibling Rivalry: Achieve harmonious relationships in your family
Help Children through Change: Advice on blending
Understanding the only child
Is a new baby right for your family?
Your Vision: How to inspire your family
Family Meetings: How they can transform your family
Values: How to pass them on
Family traditions: Why you need them
Giving Back: How to create considerate children
Plus: Personality Profiling
Take the personality test to discover your personality type and that of your partner’s. It’s great fun and will help you appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses. The personality test gives you a greater understanding and appreciation of each other’s differences. You'll send me the results and I'll highlight areas of compatibility and those that compliment each other.
Plus: Personal online relationship coaching for 3 months
Forget having to schedule and wait for appointments to get the answers you need. Online coaching via email is is a quicker and more effective way to get the help you want right now. It is incredibly convenient and my service is the most cost effective on the internet today! Here’s what Therese had to say about the quality and convenience of the advice she has received:
“Adele, I have found the advice to be extremely useful and grounding. Your advice has given me some guidelines to follow for those times when I just don’t know what to do. I find being able to share the advice with my husband helps us maintain a united front and understand where we are going. Thank you so much for your support and it’s nice to have the lifeline of experience just an email away.” Therese Cameron, Australia
I, Adele Cornish, Blended Family Relationship Coach will personally respond to your questions and struggles by email for 3 months. To help you achieve a healthy and stable family environment, I will reply to as many questions as you require. You have 3 months to implement the strategies that will change your family life, while receiving ongoing support. People who don’t have access to professional advice find this very beneficial.
“I received your advice, thank you so very much. Everything made absolute sense, your honest advice was very much non threatening to myself and partner and gave us the tools from a professional perspective, as opposed to outside influences who sometimes make this even more confusing. Thank you so much again, Adele. With much appreciation." Michelle Godfrey, Canada
If you’ve tried face-to-face counseling only to find it hasn’t helped, you’re not alone. The advice I give, can help you experience positive changes in your blended family when all else has failed. But does it work? Here’s what Lynn found:
“I have found the advice and information that I’ve now implemented to be invaluable. I have attended many joint counseling sessions with my husband re our blended family, however the information you have shared has instigated change for the better in both of us which now all of our children are benefiting from.” Lynn Levitt, Australia
Order the Comprehensive Blending Lives Program now for only US$97 and SAVE OVER $300
Here’s a list of what you’ll receive when you order:
When you order the Comprehensive Program you’ll also receive the following eBook:
Blending: The Hidden Truth
You’ll discover: the two types of guilt and how to overcome guilt; why some blended families succeed and others don’t; what to do if you don’t “feel” love for those around you; advice to use if your spouse doesn’t want to bond with your child; three types of love and what love really means.
“I have used many of you suggestions to help deal with the issues in my relationship with my partner (and stepson). You have given me some answers for problems I have been trying to cope with unsuccessfully for 5 years. I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. THANK YOU!!!” Michele Lees, Australia
Order the Comprehensive Blending Lives Program now for ONLY US$97
That’s a total value of OVER $300 you’ll receive for JUST US$97
I received the following email from Patty shortly after she received her information. She gave me permission to share her experience with you:
“Thank you so much! We are loving it so far. We can’t either one seem to put it down. We are laughing and crying, and wondering if you have been following us around for the past year and a half…recording all of our mistakes. Ha ha!! We have made them all! My husband was wondering if you have been living with us! We have spent hundreds on counselors, who haven’t helped us much at all. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Patty Johnson, Colbert, Georgia
Take it from one who knows from firsthand experience in a blended family; you will not experience positive change unless you make it happen. Allow me to share with you what I and many others have learnt are the keys to success.
The path you choose today will influence you family’s destiny. Invest in your family’s future today. I look forward to working with you!
Warmest wishes
Adele Cornish
BSW, Blended Family Presenter, Author and Relationship Coach
p.s. Remember you can feel completely confident about your purchase. I offer a Full Money back Guarantee. In the unlikely event you’re not 100% satisfied you will get a prompt, courteous refund. Just contact me any time within 60 days and I will rush you a full no hassles refund plus, you still get to keep the program!
p.p.s. Create positive change in your family before the end of 2021! The Blending Lives Program gives you a plan for success. Upon receiving your payment I'll email you directly with the program details.
Order the Comprehensive Program now by clicking below!
“Your teachings have made an amazing difference. In just 2 days…our home is peaceful and happy again. We have been in chaos when my husband’s son visits and even though we thought we were moving forward, we just fell back to anger, being hedgehogs and literal physical sickness from the stress and confusion. Your words and guidance impacted me immediately. I really love how change starts with me. I had a good discussion with my husband today and apologized for some things I hadn’t even realized I was doing until I read your words. You saved us. Thank you again, nothing has ever impacted me more to build a better life. I am so grateful.” Christy Green, San Diego
Get your blended family on track for success!

Adele Cornish
Author, Presenter
& Relationship Coach